French Kitchen Sink Poster!

Men with guns, a big cargo ship, women in various states of undress, and a bunch of astronauts (or possibly, a haz-mat team)…It’s time again for another French kitchen sink poster!

intrigue a suez affiche french movie poster

Kitchen Sink Action!

Isn’t it romantic dangerous? Thrills, spills, snipers, and a gasmask. And make sure the girl is packing, too!

Kitchen Sink Casaros?

Even a poster artist genius like Renato Casaro can overthink it a bit…(EMP)

Kitchen Sink Poster Showcase!

Michel Landi brings you baubles, women, windmills, sumo wrestlers, and guns. Lots and lots of guns.

Kitchen Sink Poster of the Day

Wow, there’s something for everyone in this Belgian beauty — a gunman in a gas mask, street brawlers, kung fu fighters, and a femme fatale fresh from a swim in her negligée…(MoviePosterBid)

Kitchen Sink Poster Sisters!

Hell hath no fury like a bad girl movie poster scorned! (Intemporel)

Le Kitchen Sink Poster of the Week

This Constantin Belinsky french action movie poster has it all — loaded firearms, a hostage/kidnapping situation with a girl in a bikini held by knifepoint, a tsunami wave about to hit the beach and wipe out a classic muscle car — and then to top it off, a bull’s eye target looming behind the tagline!

Operation Kitchen Sink!

You gotta love movie posters that give you lots of information about the movie — but is there such a thing as too much information? Here’s some unnamed Italian artists who threw in everything and the kitchen sink in showing off their designs…(EMoviePoster)